Visual by Pauline Coutant, La Condition Publique, Roubaix (FR), 2019.
Visual by Pauline Coutant, La Condition Publique, Roubaix (FR), 2019.
October 3rd 2019, La Condition Publique, Roubaix (France).
Digital technology has brought a major change, our relationship to the tools in our work or our daily lives has been through this technical and social change. Artists have an important role to play in this transformation, they too have seen their work modified by these digital tools, changing their relationship to technique and medium.
This professional day proposed by la Condition Publique and l'Espace Croisé invites us to reflect on the relationship between man and machine in the context of contemporary artistic creations. The objective is to study the critical and aesthetic potential of the machine used within works of art.
What is the relationship to language between the creator and the program, between the public and the work? What is the limit of comprehension of these machines? and of their possible resistance or refusal to obey?
9:00 a.m. > welcoming the public and participants
9:15 a.m. > introduction of the day (Laura Mené, Antonin Jousse and Barbara Lerbut)
9:30 a.m. > Lecture 1: Dialoguing with machines or navigating in our own memory (fr) - Antonin Jousse, Ph.D.student at the UPHF and artist, (Lille)
10:00 a.m. > Lecture 2: ‘Stuttering eyes’ – Overwhelming of the visual system as an aesthetic element of installations and performances (en) – Dawid Liftinger, artist (Köln, Germany)
10:30 a.m. > Lecture 3: When the machine addresses man, notes from artistic devices (fr) - Corinne Melin, Professor of Art History and Aesthetics at ESA des Pyrénnées
11:30 a.m. > Round Table 1: How to create digital devices and dialogue situations? (en) - Ali Honarvar (Tehran), Arya Tabandehpoor (Tehran), Noriyuki Suzuki (Bremen), Fabien Zocco (Lille)
2:00 p.m. > Lecture 4: Logical drawings (fr) - Gaëtan Robillard, artists (Paris)
2:30 p.m. > Lecture 5: Interactive installations, the spectator facing incomprehension (fr) - Marion de Ruyter, Ph.D. student at the UPHF (Brussels)
3:00 p.m. > Lecture 6: Behavioral Objects (fr) - Samuel Bianchini, artist and associate professor at ENsaD Paris and PSL Paris University
4:00 p.m. > Round Table 2: Producing, disseminating and educating in man-machine dialogue through artistic creation (fr) - Barbara Lerbut (production manager, la Condition Publique), Thierry Mbaye (Conception, management and mediation of Innovation projects, Le Fablab, la Condition Publique), Laura Mené (director, Espace Croisé)